Wednesday May 27
The scenery on the road from Revelstoke to Rogers Pass is spectacular. Lindsay and I stopped numerous times to get out of the RV and soak up the breathtaking view. At one such stop we were not the only ones to have pulled over. We exchanged pleasantries with three women who were enjoying the sight and sound of spring melt waters rushing through a swollen creek. "Didn't we see your RV in Revelstoke?" one of the women asked. It happens alot. People notice us. The RV is kind of hard to miss.
"You're doing a good thing." she went on to say." We need to talk about mental illness more."
It turns out Barbara had just been through a Day Program at Burnaby General. "Best thing I've ever done." She has lived with depression most of her life and recently had to stop work because of it. Her doctor got her into the program and she said she finally had some answers, and some help.
Barbara was on her way to Manitoba with her sister and a friend. They flew out to New Westminister and were driving back with her. We wished her well as we went our seperate ways.
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