July 25
Julie was right on time - in fact, she was early. We still had to finish the blog, finish the smoothy and finish clearing up. By the time I came out Lindsay had already met Julie, our rider for the day, and her brother Andre who was acting as Julie's support team. And Julie and Andre came equiped. Not wanting to slow us down in the event of a bike problem, she had a tool box as big as a hockey bag full of all kinds of gadgets and neat little doodads. And, just in case of a really big bike problem she had a couple of spare tires, wheels, a seat. "I just took all these things off my husband's bike for spare parts."
It was a beautiful morning - bright, sunny and even hot - a nice change from the rest of the summer. Lindsay set the pace and they were off. Andre and I did the leap frog thing around the riders.
My fellow support team, Andre and I pulled over at a scenic spot near Pointe au Baril, we were too busy talking to notice the riders went by, but we did take note of the mini van that pulled in. Turned out to be Ted, a colleague of Mel's from Xerox and his mother in law Janet. They were at the cottage in the neighbourhood and read in the blog that we would be coming this way. So off we all went in pursuit of the riders, me, Andre and Ted and Janet. It was a convoy. Ted had been at the Pep Rally in Toronto last week. He noted the excellent speakers, especially Lindsay. So Janet was here in an official capacity as a photographer from the Oakville Today newspaper. "I wanted you to ride through Oakville but this will do", she said motioning us to stand together so she could snap a few.
Hi Mel: Congrat's on your initiatives towards broadening the awareness of Canada's mental health , and raising funds to support organizations dealing with those suffering from psychological diseases. So often people are enduring these illnesses, feeling so alone and despondent, not knowing where to turn to - and having the added fear of others finding out, and being ostracized. May the wind always be at your back as your journey continues.
ReplyDeleteGeorge Shaver
Xerox retiree