July 10
The downtown Toronto Event on July 17th at Trinity Square in the Distillery District promises to be a biggie. There will be entertainment, and speakers and some surprizes. As well, a block of tickets at a significant discount have been arranged for the Blue Jays vs Boston game on Friday evening. If you are interested and want to join us, c'mon out. The invitation goes for family, friends, co-workers, sponsors . . .
Here is the URL for Blue Jay tickets: https://tickets.audienceview.com/bluejays/seatSelect.asp?WSadmissions::admission::performance_id=F201EED2-D1E7-4F49-9644-48F3EE616F69
You will need the Promo Code: GP-RMH09
Mel, Lindsay and Carol,
ReplyDeleteI have been following your progress. Your one week away from the big event in Toronto. You've passed the half way mark on the journey to the east coast. What a wonderful personal achievement for you and your supporters along the way. Unfortunately I won't be able to attend the event but will be there in spirit as you celebrate with everyone in Toronto. All the best,
Larry Williamson
Hi Mel and Family,
ReplyDeleteHeard through an email that you had some challenges over the past few days. Glad to hear they have been overcome. SJ had a very successful fund raising event last weekend and all are planning with great excitement for August 11th. I am sure the Toronto homecoming/rally on 17th will provide the adrenalin for the final days and countdown.. Journey safely!!!
Hello and good evening to Mel, family, Xerox and all who took part in today's event in Toronto.
ReplyDeleteWe would like to extend our best wishes to Mel's continued ride to the East Coast and persuit for raising awareness and a cure!
From all of us here at Faith's Charity Soap
Mel, Peter and I followed your journey and needless to say we are in aw of what you and your team are accomplishing and very supportive of the cause for which so much needs to be done. You are to biking as Tom Watson is to the British Open. The only difference is that I know you will finish strong.
ReplyDeleteThanks for taking the lead on this awareness campain,
Vio and Peter McCulloch